Beauty of Beginnings - October 8th - Hypocrisy


From hypo- “under” (see hypo-) + middle voice of krinein “to sift, decide” c. 1200, ipocrisie, “the sin of pretending to virtue or goodness,” From Etymology Online

Pretending good or virtue. The practice of claiming to have higher standards when that is not true.

Sometimes we speak hypocritically and it is a genuine blind spot. A failure of perspective.

Sometimes, we deliberatively fail to seek another perspective. This type of hypocrisy is steeped in the love of righteousness. I am right, and I have no interest in not being right.

Other times, we speak hypocritically because we are masters at distraction. If I repeat a lie enough times, people will believe it.

Atrocities are atrocities. There is no good atrocity. No right atrocity. To weep over one atrocity while ignoring or even perpetuating another is hypocritical.

Nothing justifies an atrocity. Nothing. Not even an atrocity.

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. I was taught this principle in kindergarten.

Also, do unto others as you would do unto yourself. The Golden Rule.

Simple principles of all-living to enable the increased well-being of all life.

Principles. Those rocks that create a healthy culture. These types of principles shredded in our geopolitical class.

When our mainstream media fail, again and again, to point out the hypocrisy, it is up to us to do it.

Again and again.

Photo Taken June 28th 2024

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