Beauty of Beginnings - October 12th - Encounters


This morning the Ocean temperature felt summery. Blessed am I to have crystal clear water.

A dolphin jumped the wave a meter from my face. And then, later, I was surrounded by a pod of dolphins. Under me. Around me. Feasting off the garfish that brushed my feet.

We have not seen the dolphins for a while. But as the whales are now further South, the dolphins have come back.

Many cormorants dived. One, clearly intent on his feast, chased a garfish that wriggled right across my surfboard as I was lying on it. Quite a squirmy experience for the garfish and me. The garfish did not escape capture.

One of my fellow surfers said it was far better than SeaWorld. Indeed. My daily life is rich with encounters from our animal kingdom.

Being a water person, I respect the Ocean completely. She is constantly morphing, never predictable, moving from gentle to rage. Such a great teacher. I am at home in her embrace.

I have spent hours underwater diving in some of the most pristine dive spots in the world. This new over-water experience extends far beyond catching a wave.

Encounters with sea creatures and bird life in their domain, where I am the guest, humbles and thrills me. And then the near perfect wave comes, and the lessons continue.

Photo Taken October 12th 2024

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