Beauty of Beginnings - October 10th - Telling the truth sets you apart

Telling the truth sets you apart

Against an endless sea of lies. People telling lies knowing they are telling lies and people listening knowing they are lies, but no matter, the liar is more important than the lie. And then the lie becomes a virus and spreads, capturing our drama hook and desire for righteous indignation, paving the way for sanctioned atrocities and egregious acts.

From the inane – I have heel spurs – to the dangerous and cruel – We commit to environmental responsibility. They are eating the dogs. The election was stolen. They beheaded the babies.

When the lie is seized upon so vehemently, truth is hard to speak, for the refusal to listen is a bunker. Deeply held opinions might unravel and with it, your identity.

Telling the truth is rare. Pointing out lies is rare.

Seeing the lies that have woven the structure of our existence and identity takes commitment and courage.

When we tell the truth, we set ourselves apart in an ocean of lies and propaganda. I recall a quote: First, they will not believe you. Then they will ridicule you. And then they might believe you.

History tells the tale long after the sharp edges of a well-maintained lie are exposed.

History speaks of atrocity, immorality, cruelty, injustice, making one race inhuman, exploitation, colonisation and endless death. Humans. Animals. Oceans.

We wonder how humans in those times watched it happen.

Yet here we are.

Photo Taken August 5th 2024, written October 10th 2024

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